Change the Favicon icon in blogger

Is blogger default Favicon is irritating ? No worries !!

Lets start from basics. What is Favicon?
Favicon is a small image seen at browser's windows or tab. It represents an icon for that particular website or URL(Universal Resource Locator). Blogger provides a default Favicon for all its blogs.

So friends, we can change or customize it !!
we can design a Favicon by any image editor (size mainly of about 16*16 px) our self . There are some websites provides custom favicon design service.

Now, how to change favicon for the blogger.
Step1. Get a favicon icon file at your desktop.
Step2. Login in your blogger.
Step3. Go to Layout at your dashboard.
Step4. Click on the Edit link as seen in the below.

Step5. Simply upload new Favicon icon.

Step. Don't forgot to to click save arrangement link to make the changes effective.

Enjoy friends!!
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